Miriam Epple
To embed the souls of people, what they really think and feel in the organisation needs a professional process.
Very often I have left meetings and events without having said what was really important to me.
Why? Because it seemed better and healthier for me not to raise my voice. That is sad, not only for me, as it is important to me to express my inner feelings in my work. It is also sad for the companies I worked in because my ideas, my criticism, my passion to change things for the better - were lost.
But it’s not only sad, that this happens, it is also natural. Organisations have a culture, written and unwritten rules, and these have proven successful in the past. Playing against these rules creates anger, irritation, and reactance.
Reflecting the inner values of organisations, with an attitude of appreciation and critique, and refining them together, needs intensive attendance. To embed the souls of people, what they really think and feel in the organisation needs a professional process. To achieve it, you need calm, mindfulness, and at the same time clarity, persistence, and breathing. Creating spaces where things like this can unfold, taking the whole a step further - that is my contribution.
Since 2007 I’ve been working with people in their organisations. My career started with a bigger consultancy, then management position in a start-up company, since 2014 I am a freelance consultant and am working together with subject:RESOUL for some projects.
Graduated psychologist; A-licence according to DIN 33430 for job related aptitude testing; certified coach for process-oriented facilitation for groups and individuals; certified sociocratic trainer; in 2023 I started to become a body therapist with alexander technique.