Maria Hoppe


It is my goal to support people in their self-reflection and their self-confidence so that they can pursue their goals in healthy and productive ways.


Helping individuals as well as teams and organisations to develop is the core topic of my work. Facing ever growing complexity in work demands and individual expectations it is my goal to support people in their self-reflection and their self-confidence so that they can pursue their goals in healthy and productive ways. It is a necessary part of that to make interactions transparent and to create “rooms” of confidence for learning and solution-finding processes. My systemic and scientific approach helps people to develop strategies that ultimately help them to better master their challenges. Doing that I always try to focus on resources and solutions.

Nine years of experience in consulting and training for leadership, team, and organizational development for start-up, small and large enterprises, public management.
Developing and implementing Assessment- and development centers while working for several consultancies.
Since 2017 freelancing for subject:RESOUL (Förster & Netzwerk).
Working abroad in international talent management in Tansania, Uganda, Turkey, France, Switzerland and the US.
Teacher at Fresenius university for business psychology and business administration.

Diplom-Psychologe (Graduated Psychologist)
Systemic consultant and coach in organisations at the Institute for Systemic Consulting in Wiesloch (DBVC)